COMP61511 (2019): Labs

CW2: From miniwc toward wc


You should be competent with:

  1. A command line shell (bash, preferably)
  2. Python programming (still nothing fancy)
  3. The basic Python infrastructure (e.g., running Python programs)

Getting ready

If you were having trouble with basic Python, go over some tutorial. You’ll probably need to create Python classes for this coursework, so some review is helpful.

You should be fully caught up on CW1. You should have full control over At least, you should be aware of bugs and have a strategy to fix them

If your ends up being (that is, has only that limited functionality) then that is worth a few points!


  1. Adding functionality

Submission details

  1. You will upload to Blackboard a zipped archive called which contains a directory called yourusername_CW2. That directory will contain a file called, a file called, and a directory called testinputs and nothing else. Name errors lose points!
  2. No prep script or stub repository for this one! You’re on your own now!
    • If folks would like to “donate” such to the class, I’ll allow it. We can discuss it on the Blackboard forum!
  3. NOTE: This is due THURS NIGHT by 19:00!!! This is to allow us to prepare for the next day lab! TAKE NOTE!!!

You should be using git with at least a local repository! I strongly recommend using a private GitLab repo. A very good first step is to take the feedback you got from CW1 and turn it into a series of issues.